Sunday 10 July 2011

Tracking Cyber Crime: PharmIncome and CigIncome Drugstore affiliates

The first Drugstore affil i visit.
I know PharmIncome since a long time from ScriptKiddieSec but never blogged, it's time.

PharmIncome is a fake pharmaceuticals affiliate, there is an AntiSpam policy but I really don't think they believe what they write, since i've see recently some spambot advertising for these powered fake pharma, and also many adverts on undergrounds forum.

For give you an idea about 'how' the business work:
All order made on your PharmIncome fake store are tracked by PharmIncome.
They pay you a commission up to 40% depending on orders bought, payement is every week on Friday (US dollars only)
Commission formula is: YOUR PROFIT = RETAIL PRICE*40%
Minimum amount of payout for WebMoney and Paypal is $10, for wire transfer $500.
And they charge the following costs for payouts:
Webmoney: – 2%
Paypa: l- 2%
Wire transfer: – $50


Personal messages:

Promo tools (Banners)

Promo tools (Downloads)
- Full Drugstore
- WordPress Plugin
- Dupral Plugin

Promo tools (Referals banners)

Availlable products:

Installing a fake pharma in local:

Admin interface:

There is a predefined IP blacklist on the shop configurations:

Discount coupons:

Testimonials, with predefined fakes:

What the store can look like:

Now for CigIncome.
CigIncome is a new affil launched by PharmIncome.
Pharmaceutical products and now... tobaco :þ

Here, business is done with cigarettes:

The 'local' drugstore use even a McAfee banner 'Secure and protected'

Related ~
Tracking Cyber Crime: Severa and Black Software AV Affiliates (28 June 2k11)
Tracking Cyber Crime: Gagarincash AV Affiliate (19 June 2k11)
Tracking Cyber Crime: Inside the FakeAV Business (14 Jun 2k11


  1. Hey xylitol I would like to know if its possible to get an invite to access scriptkiddiesec blog. I sent him an email.

  2. good stuff, always a joy to read your blogs. how do you get into these admins interfaces?

  3. @henthi, some magic tricks :)
    I just pose as bad guys.
