Friday 18 January 2013

Black processing service for malware only


Shortened a bit:
good Internet day =)
I'm looking for a partner with working spyware or an owner of affiliate program
I have a working merchant for plastic cards, for high risk. (not for carding)

Some companies are registered; online-banking is included.
I can give online (probably, access to online banking) to a partner.
Payments just one time in a week (one time in 4 business days).
The number of chargebacks is 6%.

Expenses for processing:
1) 10 hold (don't undestand this number) for 180 days - it won't be returned, it will be used for chargeback and refunds
2) processing costs 5%, 10% - bribes;
3) conversion from offshore wire to WM costs 5%
average expenses are 30%; It is nice to give 40-50% to adverts
I can divide profit by 50 on 50%; (in case of high profit the percent can be changed to 70/30)
$Contragents will compensate up to $100k.
It (merchant, probably) will live approximately for 3 months after start.
Just spyware, not viagra/pharma.
Starting date - 7 of July.
P.S. Merchant is ready !

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