Wednesday 21 September 2011

Zenk-Security KeygenMe #2

Just released a new challenge for the French community of Zenk-Security
Nothing really hard, just some crypto :)

To validate the challenge you must find the serial for: Zenk-Security
And if you want get access to the source code you must find the serial for: xylitol

Please do not post solution on internet, thanks.
Good luck & have fun :)

PS: Yeah v0s, i've liked your idea of 'Sorry' image.
(right click to close it)

And congratz to all 23 guys who solved my previous KeygenMe
- EsSandRe
- Spl3en
- horgh
- Ge0
- StalkR
- Initd
- jibe
- Le_MaLaDe
- zeewox
- Mirak
- Homeostasie
- pmb
- Pheimors
- mortis
- Xartrick
- harvey
- int_0x80
- himotepe
- JoE
- Rafiot
- lazy
- Maksman
- lucho

Win32 ASM > *