Saturday 14 May 2011


This Trojan (MD5: cae4cd615c4e83c3123dcaeaa84a7bd5) Destroy files from your drives.

-=[ ProtectionID v0.6.4.0 JULY]=-
(c) 2003-2010 CDKiLLER & TippeX
Build 07/08/10-17:57:05

Scanning -> C:\Documents and Settings\Xylitol\Bureau\G.exe.vir
File Type : 32-Bit Exe (Subsystem : Win GUI / 2), Size : 352478 (0560DEh) Byte(s)
-> File has 222 (0DEh) bytes of appended data starting at offset 056000h
[File Heuristics] -> Flag : 00000000000000001100010000100110 (0x0000C426)
[!] ASProtect SKE v2.3 - v2.5 detected !
- Scan Took : 0.968 Second(s)

Well the unpack was fun with VolX :þ

Original file - 20/42 >> 47.6%

Unpacked version - 8/43 >> 18.6%

I've wanted to see how it proceed for deletes all files and.. i was disappointed.
It's powered by a 'Batch 2 exe'

Remember me this fail: DSC0912637.scr ? Don't Worry...
Another work of pure genius, LOL.

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