Since i like SpyEye i've tryed to make a working unpacked version.
But i sucks for unpacking stuff, and more when i need to fix the code :'(
so, if someone is good... contact me :)
Like ZeuS, SpyEye is protected by VM Protect And seem compiled with Visual C++ 8.0 (Visual Studio 2005)
So when unpacked (API's not fixed) i've played with the ressource file, here is the stuff:
DIALOG - 102
102 DIALOGEX 0, 0, 513, 362
CAPTION "SpyEye Builder v1.0.6"
FONT 8, "MS Shell Dlg"
The caption says "SpyEye Builder v1.0.6" but the version is v1.1.39, gribodemon (Author of SpyEye) seem a lazyyy guys.. :)STYLE DS_FIXEDSYS | DS_MODALFRAME | WS_POPUP | WS_VISIBLE | WS_CAPTION | WS_SYSMENU
CAPTION "SpyEye Builder v1.0.6"
FONT 8, "MS Shell Dlg"
BLOCK "StringFileInfo"
BLOCK "040904e4"
VALUE "CompanyName", "SpyEye Corp."
VALUE "FileDescription", "Builder for SpyEye bot"
VALUE "FileVersion", ""
VALUE "InternalName", "builder.exe"
VALUE "LegalCopyright", "(c) SpyEye Corp.. All rights reserved."
VALUE "OriginalFilename", "builder.exe"
VALUE "ProductName", "TODO: SpyEye"
VALUE "ProductVersion", ""
BLOCK "VarFileInfo"
VALUE "Translation", 0x0409 0x04E4
So it's the version now ? :)FILEVERSION 1,0,0,1
BLOCK "StringFileInfo"
BLOCK "040904e4"
VALUE "CompanyName", "SpyEye Corp."
VALUE "FileDescription", "Builder for SpyEye bot"
VALUE "FileVersion", ""
VALUE "InternalName", "builder.exe"
VALUE "LegalCopyright", "(c) SpyEye Corp.. All rights reserved."
VALUE "OriginalFilename", "builder.exe"
VALUE "ProductName", "TODO: SpyEye"
VALUE "ProductVersion", ""
BLOCK "VarFileInfo"
VALUE "Translation", 0x0409 0x04E4
Images file:
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Correctly handle PNG transparency in Win IE 5.5 & 6. Updated 18-Jan-2006.
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104 (seem the interface):
<link href="style.css" type=text/css rel=stylesheet>
<BODY ID=CbuilderDlg >
<div id="div_main" class="div_main">
<img src="spylogo.png" width="474px" height="100px" alt="SpyEye logo" title="SpyEye logo" />
<hr size='1' color='#CCC'>
<table cellspacing="0" cellpadding="0" border="0" width='100%'>
<td width="250px">Path to the main control panel:</td>
<td><input id=tPathToMainControlPanel type=text style="width:450px" value="" /></td>
<td width="250px"><i>Alternative path to the main control panel</i>:</td>
<td><input id=tPathToMainControlPanel2 type=text style="width:450px" value="" /></td>
<td width="250px">Path to the <b>SpyEye Collector</b>:</td>
<td><input id=tPathToFormgrabberControlPanel type=text style="width:450px" value="" /></td>
<td width="250px"><b>Encryption key</b>:</td>
<td><input id=tEncryptionKey type=text style="width:300px" value="Your Enc. Key" /></td>
<td width="250px">Connector interval <i>(sec)</i>:</td>
<td><input id=tConnectorInterval type=text style="width:50px" value="300" /></td>
<td width="250px">Compress build by <b>UPX v3.04w</b>:</td>
<td><input id=cUPX type=checkbox style="border:0px" /></td>
<td width="250px">Kill <b>Zeus</b>:</td>
<td><input id=cKillZeus type=checkbox style="border:0px" /></td>
<td width="250px">Clear cookies every startup <i>(IE, FF)</i>:</td>
<td><input id=cClearCookies type=checkbox style="border:0px" /></td>
<td width="250px"><b>WebInjects.txt</b> <i>(Zeus format)</i>:</td>
<td><input type="file" id="tWebInjects" style="width:400px;"></td>
<td colspan="2" align=center>...</td>
<td width="250px"><b>Screenshots.txt</b>:</td>
<td><input type="file" id="tScreenshots" style="width:400px;"></td>
<td colspan="2" align=center>...</td>
<td width="250px"><b>Plugin #1</b> <i>DLL</i:</td>
<td><input type="file" id="tPlugin1" style="width:400px;"></td>
<td width="250px"><b>Plugin #2</b> <i>DLL</i:</td>
<td><input type="file" id="tPlugin2" style="width:400px;"></td>
<td width="250px"><b>Plugin #3</b> <i>DLL</i:</td>
<td><input type="file" id="tPlugin3" style="width:400px;"></td>
<table cellspacing="0" cellpadding="0" border="0" width='100%'>
<td><img id="bLoadConfig" src="up.png" alt="Load config" title="Load config from settings.ini" /></td>
<td align=center><input type=button value="Make config & get build" id=bMakeBuild /></td>
<!--<br><div id=dBuildResult style="text-align:left" ></div>-->
<br><div id=dBuildButton style="text-align:center" ></div>
<hr size='1' color='#CCC'>
<script language=javascript>
function recheckInfected() {
alert('Check autorun by msconfig.exe or smth, and, remove files of bot manually (if you need it)');
<input type=hidden onclick="setTimeout('recheckInfected();', 3000);" id=bRecheckInfected />
<input type=button value="Are you infected by SpyEye?" id=bCheckInfected />
<div id="dInfectedResult"></div>
<link href="style.css" type=text/css rel=stylesheet>
<BODY ID=CbuilderDlg >
<div id="div_main" class="div_main">
<img src="spylogo.png" width="474px" height="100px" alt="SpyEye logo" title="SpyEye logo" />
<hr size='1' color='#CCC'>
<table cellspacing="0" cellpadding="0" border="0" width='100%'>
<td width="250px">Path to the main control panel:</td>
<td><input id=tPathToMainControlPanel type=text style="width:450px" value="" /></td>
<td width="250px"><i>Alternative path to the main control panel</i>:</td>
<td><input id=tPathToMainControlPanel2 type=text style="width:450px" value="" /></td>
<td width="250px">Path to the <b>SpyEye Collector</b>:</td>
<td><input id=tPathToFormgrabberControlPanel type=text style="width:450px" value="" /></td>
<td width="250px"><b>Encryption key</b>:</td>
<td><input id=tEncryptionKey type=text style="width:300px" value="Your Enc. Key" /></td>
<td width="250px">Connector interval <i>(sec)</i>:</td>
<td><input id=tConnectorInterval type=text style="width:50px" value="300" /></td>
<td width="250px">Compress build by <b>UPX v3.04w</b>:</td>
<td><input id=cUPX type=checkbox style="border:0px" /></td>
<td width="250px">Kill <b>Zeus</b>:</td>
<td><input id=cKillZeus type=checkbox style="border:0px" /></td>
<td width="250px">Clear cookies every startup <i>(IE, FF)</i>:</td>
<td><input id=cClearCookies type=checkbox style="border:0px" /></td>
<td width="250px"><b>WebInjects.txt</b> <i>(Zeus format)</i>:</td>
<td><input type="file" id="tWebInjects" style="width:400px;"></td>
<td colspan="2" align=center>...</td>
<td width="250px"><b>Screenshots.txt</b>:</td>
<td><input type="file" id="tScreenshots" style="width:400px;"></td>
<td colspan="2" align=center>...</td>
<td width="250px"><b>Plugin #1</b> <i>DLL</i:</td>
<td><input type="file" id="tPlugin1" style="width:400px;"></td>
<td width="250px"><b>Plugin #2</b> <i>DLL</i:</td>
<td><input type="file" id="tPlugin2" style="width:400px;"></td>
<td width="250px"><b>Plugin #3</b> <i>DLL</i:</td>
<td><input type="file" id="tPlugin3" style="width:400px;"></td>
<table cellspacing="0" cellpadding="0" border="0" width='100%'>
<td><img id="bLoadConfig" src="up.png" alt="Load config" title="Load config from settings.ini" /></td>
<td align=center><input type=button value="Make config & get build" id=bMakeBuild /></td>
<!--<br><div id=dBuildResult style="text-align:left" ></div>-->
<br><div id=dBuildButton style="text-align:center" ></div>
<hr size='1' color='#CCC'>
<script language=javascript>
function recheckInfected() {
alert('Check autorun by msconfig.exe or smth, and, remove files of bot manually (if you need it)');
<input type=hidden onclick="setTimeout('recheckInfected();', 3000);" id=bRecheckInfected />
<input type=button value="Are you infected by SpyEye?" id=bCheckInfected />
<div id="dInfectedResult"></div>
Packed builder: 1,71 Mb (1 794 048 bytes)
Unpacked builder: 4,07 Mb (4 272 128 bytes)
Packed version (VT Result): 12/ 43 (27.9%) - Submission date: 2010-10-30
Detected by most of all by "Trojan"
Unpacked version(VT Result): 9/ 43 (20.9%) - Submission date: 2010-10-30
Detected by most of all by "Suspicious"
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